
The Exmos website, like most others you will come across on the Internet, uses cookies. Cookies are tiny files that are downloaded to your browsing device that are used to provide a better browsing experience for the user. This page describes what information our cookies gather, how we use these cookies and why sometimes we need to store cookies. We will also share how you can disable cookies on this site, however this may lead some elements on the site to “break” and not function as intended.

For general information on cookies see the ICO entry on cookies here.


Our Cookies

Google Analytics

We use Google Analytics cookies to collect information about how visitors interact with our site. This information is used to create usage reports which allow us to make improvements to the site and track site performance. All cookies collected through Google Analytics are completely anonymous.

You can read Google’s privacy policy for Google Analytics here.

Cookie Consent

Our final cookie is simply the cookie consent banner! We collect information that you have acknowledged the cookie consent banner so you don’t see this every time you visit our site.


Disabling Cookies in Your Browser

We recommend accepting cookies to provide the best experience while using the Exmos website, however you are of course free to disable cookies in your browser. How to do this will depend on the browser you use, but here is an overview of how to disable cookies for the most popular browsers:

Google Chrome

Mozilla Firefox

Internet Explorer

Apple Safari


More Information

Hopefully this page has cleared up any questions you had regarding our use of cookies, however if you are looking for more information on Exmos’ cookie usage please email marketing@exmos.com.